Feltmakers Skills: Texture & Colour

A 4-week course designed to inspire your creativity by teaching you how to use a range of wonderful fibres to create textural, colourful, exciting pieces of work using wet felting techniques.

Maybe you’ve done a couple of project classes and want to do more felting on your own… Maybe you’ve had a go at some basic wet felting and now want to create more exciting pieces… Maybe you enjoy textile crafts or embroidery and would like to learn about creating and using felt in your work…. This course will teach you many new fibrecraft skills to add to your creative range, encourage you to experiment and give you the confidence to create with fibre and textiles.


 Summer and Autumn courses now available to book. Class size will be kept small to ensure plenty of individual advice and discussion can be included to inspire and encourage your creativity. An investment of £45 per session will include all the materials and equipment used during the sessions, which will run from 10.30am to 3.00pm 1 day a week for 4 weeks. Further materials will be available to purchase during and after the course for your own projects. 

Week 1: Fabulous Fibre

Week 2: Creating Colour

Week 3: From 2D to 3D

Week 4: Surface Texture 

Photographs of some of Kate’s previous work showing some of the techniques that will be discussed in the course.

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